A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action: Going to Graceland
Although it closes at 5:00 p.m., Graceland is still right there in the middle of Memphis, Tennessee in all its jungle room glory.
If you’re in Memphis on business, this may be a hard tour to pull off. The last tour starts at 4:30, so you’ll have to play hooky for a half day to get it done.
When I was in Spain, no one had any idea where the entire state of Arkansas was located. When I said it was two hours from Graceland, they got excited. I made that trip when I was 24. Believe it or not, I had never been to the home of The King. So I made the trip.
All 14 acres of Graceland sits on Elvis Prestley Boulevard (big surprise there) off of I-55 in Memphis. Don’t forget your AAA card at the office; you do get a 10% discount off the regular $22.00 ticket price.
Once you’re inside…I’ll let you decide for yourself. I will tell you that it’s a lot smaller than you would imagine. It’s the size of a regular golf-community home, hardly worthy of being called a mansion.
Don’t miss Elvis’s fake grave out back. Conspiracy theorists believe he isn’t really buried there. Then again, conspiracy theorists don’t believe he’s dead at all. It’s supposed to be the real deal, but you’ll hear about that on the tour.
Location: 3765 Elvis Prestley Boulevard, Memphis, TN 38116
Tickets: (800) 238-2000
Web: www.elvis.com