Promises Great Things for the Mobile Web
Boing is a new mobile search engine claiming to be “the first complete mobile search alternative, [which] crawls the entire web from .MOBI to .COM to offer consumers a complete web experience.” So of-course I had to check it out. Boing offers the standard links for News, Entertainment, Sports, Finance, Weather, Shopping, Local, Travel and Portals/Email. It would access my Yahoo! account, but wasn’t any more convenient or faster than accessing my account directly.
I like the fact that they offer several selections under each link. Weather, for example, can be obtained from the National Weather Service, The Weather Channel, Accuweather, Underground Weather or Yahoo Weather. I’m always a fan of competition, although this slows things down a bit. If you had a link to your favorite weather provider saved, it wouldn’t be necessary to go through all of the motions to find out the forecast.
The website asserts “ offers the world’s most complete mobile search from .MOBI to .COM.” I beg to differ. I tried to access the BTL (that would be the Business Travel Louge) with no success. I then tried to access, which I recently featured in Get Real Time Parking Information Online. No luck there either. It’s pretty presumptuous to claim to be a complete mobile search engine when it failed on 2 out of 2 sites I tested. By the way, on previous tests both sites opened beautifully (although a little slowly) with Opera Mini.
Boing just launched. Maybe with the growth of the .mobi domain the service will become more useful. As of now, I don’t find it very helpful. I did submit the BTL url to the Bong staff, so we’ll see how that goes.
Via PRWeb.