BootsnAll Hostel Rating System
BootsnAll Travel Network (the parent company of yours truly) has updated their hostel booking engine to include user-generated ratings of hostels, as well as a “best of” list for certain larger cities.
What do you want in a hostel? Do you want to party like a rockstar, meet people, have a quiet place to sleep? There is something for everyone out there, you just have to find the right place which can be tricky.
So BootsnAll has created the lists mentioned above, that will provide a “best of” list for larger cities with loads of choices. Users vote on the hostels, which determines who places in the “best of” (and the “worst of” for that matter) in that city. They kicked it off with a London list, and expanded to include Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dublin, Paris and Rome. Even more cities will be added in the future.
Please give us feedback or suggest other properties that you think are excellent, and be sure to include why you think so. If you are a hostel manager trying to spam us – we’ll find out so don’t try. 🙂