Business Travel Daily Dose – 11.28.06
1. As long as they aren’t wasps, I guess I’m okay with the plan. [New homeland security buzz: Bomb-sniffing bees]
2. The Rewards Network has added Cha Cha, Italian Market and Grill, Old College Inn and The Butcher Shop to it’s list of properties where diners can earn cashback or miles. [Knoxville Diners Enjoy New Additions to Rewards Network Program]
3. Because I’m freakishly cold natured and ALWAYS close my vent, this does me no good. You might find it useful, though. [Airplane Air Purification Filter]
4. Opera released their newest versions of Opera Mini yesterday in Opera Mini 3.0, which includes a built in RSS feeder. I haven’t checked it out yet, but will in the next few days. [Opera Mini 3.0 Released for Phones]
5. Tired of “quick charging” your phone repeatedly during business trips? What if you could have 400 HOURS of standby time? [Motorola Unveils 9mm Entry-level Phone with E-Ink Display]
6. Airlines and hotels are the only people raising rates. [Fare increases on Scots railways]
7. Break out your rubber gloves and get to work. What else you you going to do in Cleveland? [$20 for Picking Up Cleveland Airport Trash]
8. It’s just like Bringing Sexy Back. [Airlines Bring Back In-Flight Amenities]