Business Travelers Can Maximize Airline Miles and Travel Discounts with DealMine Beta
Most business travelers are pretty serious about their miles. I certainly am. I won’t stay at a hotel if I can’t get miles and I usually select restaurants based on their mileage potential. That being the case, it can be frustrating determining which company has the best current deal for a particular product or service. can save you tons of time comparing the deals between companies. For example, if you search for car rental and you get a screen listing each company name, deal provider (i.e. the airline) the deal (i.e. 50 base miles per day) and options (view details, get offer or save to my dealmine).
This can help us maximize mileage earned (yeah) and provide us with valuable discounts. If you’re on per-diem, the discounts are probably well worth while.
What’s my FAVORITE thing about this site? They’ve launched a mobile version so you can find deals on the fly. So if you don’t book your rental car in advance (and you don’t just want to use Zipcars, you can check for deals while walking through the airport. Just go to (or on your phone’s browser to get the downlow from anywhere.
It’s a free service, so why not give it a shot?