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Dickens World Theme Park in Kent, United Kingdom

Dickens World

Someone actually did it – developed a theme park based on the works of Charles Dickens in Chatham, Kent, the birthplace of the legendary author. I like Dickens as much as the next guy – A Tale of Two Cities is on my top ten book list. But I just don’t see how anyone could think a theme park based on the works of a 19th century writer will be a success. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe European kids are SO much more cultured than American children that they’ll really dig it.

Dickens World is “a brand new, innovative and exciting indoor visitor complex themed around the life, books and times of one of Britain’s best loved authors, Charles Dickens. It will take visitors on a fascinating journey through Dickens’ lifetime as they step back into Dickensian England and are immersed in the urban streets, sounds and smells of the 19th century.” What does it have? Among other things, one of Europe’s largest dark boat rides, the Haunted house of Ebenezer Scrooge, a state-of-the art animatronic show, Victorian School Room, 4D high definition show and Fagin’s Den., period costumes, cobbled streets, a Dickensian shopping mall, theme restaurants and bars and a multiplex cinema. Get this, “A series of ‘burlesque’ evening dinner shows are being especially created to provide a nightly menu of ‘naughty delights’ in the ‘Free and Easy’ Victorian Music Hall.”

I guess if Knotts can make a go of a jelly-based Old West themepark, then Dickens World may have a shot. It just seems like a place Clark Grizwold would take his family, with the children protesting the entire way.

The park opens on May 25, 2007 if you want to check it out.